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Gruppo prodotti: Forming

TGLM-250-900 Automatic cutter

Machine suitable for the production of long cut pasta such as tagliatelle, pappardelle, and other similar shapes.

TGL 540-1000 Automatic Cutting Machine

Machine designed for the production of tagliatelle of different sizes, can process sheets with thickness 0.5 to 3 mm

Automatic Laying-in-Trays System

Cutting system with mechanically determined weighing and automatic simultaneous loading in n trays.

TA540-S Tortellini Machine

Macchina for the production of classic Tortellini.

RA-M Ravioli/Cappelletti Machine

Machine for the production of single sheet ravioli, saccottini, cappelletti, tortelloni

RA540/S1 Ravioli/cappelletti machine

Machine suitable for the production of ravioli, cappelletti and special formats, completely washable and sanitizable.

MD-S Single/double sheet ravioli machine

Machine producing single and double sheet ravioli, suitable for both small and large productions.

GNF Gnocchi machine

Automatic 6, 12, 24-holes gnocchi machine

Single Sheet Shapes

Single sheet shapes for RA ravioli makers

Double Sheet Shapes

Double Sheet Shapes for RDS ravioli maker