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PV 250-600 / 600-1200 / 1200-2000 Steam Pasteurizer

Pastorizzatore a vapore

Hydro-thermal treatment system at low energy consumption, mainly used to reduce the bacterial charge of the product for the production of ravioli, tortellini and sheets of pasta.

The pasteurization takes place through a thermal process with programmable cycle, formed by the following functional parts:

  • Pasteurization chamber with product irradiation system through sprinkling ramps at saturated steam, placed under and over the conveyor belt, coupled with a superior radiating plate having variable temperature, whose combined action assures a stable climate inside the chamber and ensures the product an appreciable opacity.
  • The pasteurisation program and the correct maintenance of the desired temperatures are managed by modular valves and temperature probes in continuous control through PLC management. The sealing cap of the pasteurisation zone with watertight is liftable through electro-commanded jacks to assure a simple and easy cleaning and healthiness of the machine.
  • The conveyor belt of the product is electro-commanded and managed by PLC to perfectly regulate the treatment times.
  • The area of ventilation and drying of the product are located in the final part of the machine and are composed by electro-fans and steam batteries, with continuous control of temperature performed by probes. This section is mainly used to ensure a light wrapper and a sure detachment from the net.

Production capacity:

  • PV 250-600: 250 to 600kg/h
  • PV 600-1200: 600 to 1200kg/h
  • PV 1200-2000: 1200 to 2000kg/h

Optional: high-performance radiant plate, made of AISI 316 stainless steel, designed to reduce the amount of steam emitted on the product, obtaining energy savings.


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