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DVT Transversal Vibrating Spreader

Distributore vibrante trasversale

System for the correct and regular distribution of the products on the front vibrating surface.

Construction features

  • Structure made of thick tube in AISI 304 stainless steel, complete with support plates designed for fixing to the floor.
  • Oscillating surface movement obtained by means of 2 motor-vibrators with adjustable eccentric mass.
  • Oscillating table made of non-stick embossed sheet in AISI 304 stainless steel, with an oblique and inclined end section so as to guarantee a uniform discharge over the entire width of the pasteurizer belt, avoiding overlapping or accumulation of products.
  • The vibrating distributor is complete with a heating system to ensure the smooth and uniform flow of the products, preventing them from sticking to the oscillating surface.
  • The distributor can be fed from multiple positions. The position of the main axis of the vibrator is orthogonal to the axis of the pasteurizer.

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